Sometimes, I wish I could view a list of every item I’ve ever added into an online shopping cart and then abandoned. All the lost trinkets I decided I didn’t need, the furniture I realised wouldn’t match my wallpaper, or the outfits I knew would never arrive in time. A gallery of things I once wanted, but never ended up getting.
I’d hazard a guess that you feel the same, as almost 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned by shoppers. In other words, only 3 in every 10 customers who begin filling their carts end up making a purchase. That’s a lot of figuratively lost bits and bobs, and a lot of lost revenue for businesses.
Research has found many reasons as to why consumers abandon carts, but luckily, there are things you can do to reduce the impact of these factors when customers are browsing your own ecommerce website. Keep reading to find out how to reduce your business’ online shopping cart abandonment rates…
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