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8 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Copywriter

Here’s something we get asked a lot. 

“Why should I hire a professional copywriter when I can just write the content myself?”

And honestly, it’s a valid question. A lot of business owners, marketing managers, SEO specialists and the like are perfectly capable of writing copy for a range of purposes. However, there are a lot of reasons why hiring a professional copywriter to do this for you can be a worthwhile investment. Whether it’s by eliminating grammatical mistakes, creating a consistent tone of voice or by simply giving you more time to focus on other tasks, we’re here to tell you why a professional copywriter can help your business…

Adjust your focus

If you’re currently writing your own copy, a professional copywriter will instantly grant you the greatest gift in the world of business: time!

You may be more than capable of creating content yourself, but it’s likely that your time, energy and expertise can be better utilised elsewhere. There are never enough hours in the day, so bringing someone on board to take over some of your most time-consuming tasks can have a positive impact on all areas of your business. 

When you spread yourself too thin, areas will begin to suffer as you’re forced to prioritise one thing over another. If you have active, paying customers, providing them with a high-quality service will be number one, meaning content and copy creation can fall by the wayside. Don’t let that happen!

Fast & fabulous

Copywriting tasks which take you a couple of days may only take a matter of hours for an experienced copywriter. They’re able to produce high-quality copy more quickly, meaning you have more unique content to share on your website, social media, emails, and any other avenues. This fast turnaround also means your content keeps up with events, news and trends in your industry. 

Hiring a professional copywriter also means you have someone on your team who is focused purely on copywriting and content creation. This means that even in busy periods, you’ll be provided with stellar content ready for posting, making it much easier to stick to a content calendar.

Eliminate errors

It’s no secret that errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling make copy look rubbish. All that hard work put into writing a blog or social media post, and it’s undone by a there/their/they’re mishap. 

Whilst there are lots of tools out there designed to help you minimise errors in your writing, they’re not foolproof. Context is a very important thing, and not all mistakes are always picked up. (Take effect vs. affect, for example - both correct in different scenarios, and both not always caught by spell checking tools.)

As well as general grammar rules and the avid avoidance of pesky typos, there’s another thing you have to consider: the location of your customers. Assuming your content is written in English, should you be using the British or American variation of the language? Whichever you choose, a professional copywriter will make sure you’re not mixing the two…

The art of persuasion

The line between effective persuasive copy and annoying sales-speak is a thin one. If your goal is sell, sell, sell, it can be difficult to get the balance right. The last thing you want is to sound like a suited, smiling, door-to-door salesman from days past. But if you’re not supposed to sound like you’re selling something, how are you meant to… you know… sell something?

Professional copywriters are experienced in walking this delicate line.

Get customer-friendly

You know everything there is to know about your business. From your daily operations and products to the industry itself, you’re an expert. But this doesn’t mean you’re the best person to create customer-focused, jargon-free, persuasive content.

If you’ve ever been midway through answering the question ‘so what do you do?’ only to see your companion’s eyes glaze over, you’re not alone. When you’re surrounded by fellow industry professionals every day, it can become difficult to remember which parts of your business aren’t quite common knowledge. 

Many businesses make the mistake of creating business-focused content which tells a great story but fails to actually sell the brand to the customer. This means we get sentences like this:

We provide high-quality, professional copywriting services for a range of industries.

A customer-focused version of this would be:

You get a high-quality, professional copywriting service tailored to your industry.

It’s SEO time

The best professional copywriters have experience with search engine optimisation (SEO). This is important to drive organic traffic to your website - and unfortunately, there’s no quick fix. Improving your SEO takes time, and requires a lot of quality content to be created and optimised according to various keywords relating to your brand. 

An SEO specialist can help with the nitty gritty of it all, including extensive keyword research, rank monitoring, and technical SEO which involves working with your website’s backend. However, a copywriter will still always write with SEO in mind, including keywords where appropriate to support your website’s organic journey to the front page of Google.

Keep it trendy

Your professional copywriter will keep up with industry trends so that you don’t have to. Recently, the industry has been veering towards a more personable style of copywriting, with customers valuing copy which tells a story and shows emotional intelligence. 

In order to create engaging content, an experienced copywriter will also keep an eye on trends in your company’s industry to see what has people talking!

On top of ever-evolving trends, different generations tend to place varying levels of importance on certain features of copywriting. Gen Z, for example, tend to prefer copy which is straight-to-the-point, informal, and incorporates humour where appropriate. At the other end of the scale, Baby Boomers place more value on formal language. A copywriter can tailor their language to suit your target audience.

Get your money’s worth

Consider a consumer searching for an independent, British brand which sells jewellery. The copy of the first, sponsored result is as follows:

Bespoke Jewellery Hand Made in the UK ! Personalized Commission

The consumer scrolls down to the next option, and the brand wonders why their paid advertising isn’t yielding the results they expected. These grammatical mistakes can cost brands up to 70% more per click in the UK.

Now, imagine that brand hired a copywriter to help them with their next PPC campaign:

Bespoke Jewellery Handmade in the UK - Personalised Commissions

Instantly, these small changes cause the ad’s CTR (click-through-rate) to skyrocket and their CPC (cost-per-click) to plummet. 

If you’re thinking of hiring a copywriter, chances are you’ve already invested in other services such as website hosting, paid advertising, and marketing professionals. Every touchpoint with your customers, from your website and emails to your social media profiles and search engine ads, requires effective, error-free copy, or it will cost you money. 

Hiring a professional copywriter to work alongside these other investments ensures you’ll be getting your money’s worth!


UNBXD is a Creative Digital Agency which specialises in social media marketing to create exciting, innovative solutions for breakthrough brands. We are experts in supporting brands to outline clear objectives, develop strong communication strategies and create unique content which truly engages their audience. Come and see what we can do for you!